How to Handle a Nuisance Tenant

Whether it’s noise complaints from the neighbours or something more serious like always paying rent late, a nuisance tenant is, well, a nuisance!

Despite this, there are some things you can do to effectively handle a nuisance tenant that can prevent a small issue from turning into something much bigger.

Here are six handy tips on how to handle a nuisance tenant in your Peterborough rental property.

6 Steps to Handling Nuisance Tenants

1. Stay Calm

It’s easy to get emotional in bad situations – especially if you have to regularly deal with a nuisance tenant. But, as a landlord, it’s your job to stay calm and level-headed.

If you act as the voice of reason, you’re more likely to get a better response from your tenant than if you’re overwhelmed with emotion.

2. Manage Behaviour

Be rational and objective, and try to get through to your tenant if you can. Try to manage their behaviour by explaining that whatever the issue, it isn’t acceptable and why.

Make sure you explain to your nuisance tenant what is appropriate instead. Have patience and regularly remind the tenant of the lease that they agreed to.

In a tactful way, make it clear to the tenant that you take breaches seriously.

3. Keep Records

The best way to protect yourself when you have a nuisance tenant is to keep records of everything.

Make a note of things like complaints from neighbours and when rent payments were made. It’ll make things much easier if the tenant tries to dispute anything.

Plus, the records you keep could come in handy if the problem progresses.

4. Build a Relationship

The importance of having a good relationship with your tenants cannot be overstated. Whatever the circumstances, try to maintain a good relationship with your tenant.

If you manage to win them over, they will be more likely to comply with your requests.

5. Hire a Letting Agent or Property Management Company

If you’re at your wit’s end dealing with a nuisance tenant, consider hiring a letting agent or property management company like PTL Lettings to take over the management process.

It may not stop the tenant from being a nuisance. But professionals like us have the skills and tact to build a strong relationship and keep an eye on the situation.

Plus, we can handle tenant enquiries for you, which can be a huge relief if you get too emotional when speaking with your tenant.

6. Take Action

Dealing with a nuisance tenant requires patience and persistence. Have a candid conversation with the tenant about the problems and potential consequences. Sometimes, tenants are unaware of the impact of their behaviour and a straightforward talk can resolve the issue. If this approach doesn’t work, consider mediation. Many local councils and tenant associations offer mediation services that can help resolve disputes without formal action.

If all else fails you may need to consider a formal eviction notice. To do this, strict procedures must be followed and it is important landlords stay within the law.

Need Help With the Noisy Tenants in Your Rental Property?

If you need support managing the relationship with your tenants, PTL Lettings are here to help. We provide letting agent services and property management in Peterborough that can make your life as a landlord easier and less stressful.

Call today on 01733 555183 or email us at to learn more about our landlord support services or to request a valuation.

You may also be interested to read 8 Things Every landlord Should Know

Frequently Asked Questions About Nuisance Tenants

My tenants are constantly having loud parties with excessive noise complaints from neighbours. What can I do as a landlord?

If the noise isn’t addressed after calmly explaining the issue and reminding them of the tenancy agreement, keep records of complaints and consider involving a property management company to mediate the situation. As a last resort, eviction may be necessary.

I’m a new landlord and worried about anti-social behaviour from tenants. How can I avoid nuisance tenants in the future?

Conduct thorough reference checks and ensure the tenancy agreement clearly outlines acceptable behaviour. Property management companies can help screen tenants and handle communication.

Is a landlord responsible for dealing with a nuisance tenant, or can I hire help?

While you can manage the situation yourself, property management companies offer expertise in communication, mediation, and enforcing the tenancy agreement. They can also handle tenant enquiries, reducing your stress.

What are my options if I need to evict tenants for breaching the tenancy agreement due to anti-social behaviour?

If all else fails, you can follow the legal eviction process. Consulting with a property management company or solicitor can ensure you follow the correct procedures as a landlord.

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